Anglican Watch

Another defection as PB Curry becomes a one-legged duck

W. Michie Klusmeyer

Regular readers know that we have been far from impressed by PB Michael Curry. Specifically, his hogwash about “loving, liberating, life-giving” aka L3 has been an abject failure. Why? Because the requisite integrity and accountability simply aren’t there.

Now, as Curry transitions from being a lame duck to a one-legged duck, we see another of his canons jump ship.

Specifically, less than a year after taking the position, former WV bishop W. Michie Klusmeyer is calling it quits as Canon for Ministry Within the Episcopal Church.

And while it’s not usual for new people to join the inner circle when a new presiding bishop (PB) is elected, jumping ship and moving into retirement with only a year left on the clock is telling.

Also of note are the specifics of the job description:

Assists in conflict management and promotes cooperation in sensitive relational situations, working with potentially explosive situations to decrease or manage tensions as possible..
Serves as the PB’s liaison and representative to bishops and leaders within the Church. This includes assisting the PB with the performance review of the Bishop for Pastoral Development; supporting and assisting the community of Bishops’ spouses and partners.
Oversees preparations for and implementation of meetings of the House of Bishops and participates effectively in appropriate councils and boards of the Church. In this role, works with the chair of the House of Bishops Planning Committee to prepare for meetings and liaises with outside vendors to assure adequate and cost-efficient meeting logistics, Works with the General Convention Office in preparation for the General Convention represents the PB in all relevant preparatory meetings.
Participates in Executive Council, the Executive Leadership team, and other boards and committees as needed. Works closely with the Offices of the DFMS and other Canons and participates in the planning of the PB’s calendar.
Assists in scheduling and being present for diocesan visitations by the PB. This includes the preparation and implementation of a Customary for Consecrations to assist diocesan planners in their preparation for the ordination of bishops. Attends all pre-consecration events, meetings and rehearsals with the PB and facilitates the signing and sealing of documents before, during and after the consecration.
Provides support for Bishops, and Dioceses of the Church in carrying out their mission and ministry. For example, consultation as called upon with the Bishops and dioceses in mission planning and development, mentoring and coaching support of Canons to the Ordinary. (All emphases added.)

Okay, we’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again:

  1. Our clergy disciplinary system, particularly when it comes to bishops, stinks.
  2. Bishops who ignore Title IV’s provisions face no consequences.
  3. There is zero accountability in the Episcopal Church.
  4. Ignoring issues — the default response of the Office of Presiding Bishop and most judicatories — is counterproductive.
  5. The average Canon to the Ordinary is about as useful as a three-legged bull on wet ice. Or maybe a one-legged duck.
  6. Todd Ousley is not qualified to head the Office of Pastoral Development.
  7. The church has forgotten its mission in the world. The average parish, for example, does nothing to bring its message to those around it.
  8. The church is not a democracy. When two people — the President of the House of Delegates and the PB — control virtually every appointment, it’s an oligopoly.

We are mindful that these comments will offend some. But the state of the church is such that blunt talk is required.

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