Anglican Watch

It’s spring. Time for warm weather, baseball, and justice for Grant Solomon

Justice for Grant Solomon

Here in Northern Virginia, we’re seeing the crocuses and other harbingers of spring emerge, reminding us that warmer weather is just around the corner. Even better, we’ll soon see the cherry blossoms and that most American rite of spring, baseball.

With these reminders of renewal, we see a reminder of the need for a renewed push for justice for Grant Solomon, a Tennessee high school student, beloved son/brother, and accomplished baseball player. 

Murdered on July 20, 2020, Grant’s killer or killers have yet to be charged, although Anglican Watch believes that Grant’s father, Aaron Solomon, was behind his death.

It’s difficult to conclude otherwise. 

According to Aaron, the only person known to be at the scene, Grant was dragged to his death by his pickup truck, which allegedly rolled from its parked position at the top of a hill.

But medical records make clear that the cause of Grant’s death was a single, massive blow to the back of the head. 

There were no signs — not even hints — that Grant was dragged to his death by his truck. No scrapes, no road rash. Nothing.

Additionally, Grant’s truck was in park when police arrived on the scene. 

Meanwhile, the black box in Grant’s truck shows someone drove it into position on top of Grant. First responders found him fighting for his life in a ditch by the road, his vehicle above him but not resting on him.

Other evidence points to Aaron as the likely killer. This evidence includes:

  • Inconsistencies in Aaron’s story.
  • Lack of forensic evidence to support the claim that Grant’s truck rolled.
  • A fraudulent totaling of the vehicle by Aaron, who drove it for several months before convincing an insurance adjuster to total the vehicle.
  • A lack of Grant’s blood in the parking lot where he spent his final moments, despite Aaron’s claim that Grant was dragged 60 feet across the pavement.
  • A pointedly feckless “investigation” by the Gallatin police department that failed to meet even the most basic standards of ethical police work.
  • A statement by Grant in the hours before his death in which he told his mother, “I don’t want to die in Gallatin today.”
  • A history of criminal allegations against Aaron, including substantiated claims he sexually assaulted his daughter.

There is much additional evidence to which we could point.

But there’s a larger point here, which is that, in the wake of news stories that rightly flag Tennessee as among the least democratic states in the country, the corruption around the death of Grant Solomon needs to end. 

Officials at every level of the Tennessee state government need to be held accountable for their cover-up of Grant’s death. And multiple people need to go to jail. Not for a few months, but years. In some cases, for the remainder of their lives.

Indeed, Gallatin Tennessee reminds us of Philadelphia, Mississippi, the scene of the murders of three civil rights workers on June 21, 1964.

As one local resident later said, “For some, it will always be June 21, 1964 in Philadelphia.”

Similarly, with Gallatin TN officials continuing the cover-up and corruption involving Grant’s death, it will always be July 20, 2020 in this part of Tennessee—a day to ponder the culpability of the entire region, when the death of a bright, loving, compassionate young man like Grant, himself a Christian, does not warrant an investigation by the so-called Christian leaders of the state.

That scrutiny of Gallatin and the corruption of local government officials — including Gallatin Mayor Brown, who doesn’t even deign to answer emails about Grant’s death — will continue until Brown, and others with blood on their hands, are held accountable. That is the case, both when the culpability involves action, and when it involves inaction.

While we’re on the topic of culpability, Aaron’s own legal filings raise questions about his possible involvement in prostitution, tax fraud, drugs, child sex abuse, and more. Since Aaron noisily asserts that he is innocent of these charges, we cannot doubt that he and others want these issues investigated.

After all, if indeed Aaron is innocent, he has nothing to hide. So he should welcome investigations, which we must assume, per Aaron’s claims, would quickly prove his innocence.

Similarly, the shocking corruption at Grant’s former school, Grace Christian Academy (GCA, needs to be investigated. This corruption includes documented efforts to cover up allegations of child abuse by the school; on this score, the evidence is irrefutable. 

(Claims by school officials that the recordings of guidance counselor Amy Curle and others discussing the cover-up are fake are nothing but bald-faced lies, and we are happy to be quoted on that matter.)

Indeed, like Aaron, if GCA is blameless, it follows that the school would wholeheartedly endorse civil and criminal probes. Such investigations would, if we take GCA officials at their word, rapidly exonerate the school and its staff.

So, this spring, we ask members of the public, as well as government officials at every level, to bring this dark chapter of corruption to a close. We would like to see Grant Solomon’s killer or killers brought to justice and those involved in the cover-up of the circumstances of his death, including Gallatin police officials and GCA employees, held accountable.

We will not rest until justice is done.

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