Anglican Watch

Insane: Tennessee courts try to cover up details of Covenant shooting, leading to additional questions about corruption at Covenant Nashville

Covenant Presbyterian

It’s official—the Tennessee judicial system, already corrupt, has lost its collective mind. Specifically, a Tennessee court has refused to honor news media and police requests for the release of the Covenant school shooter’s so-called manifesto. As a result, Anglican Watch calls on federal law enforcement to investigate the Church of the Covenant

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Park Lawn funeral director Pam Stephens goes rogue in the Grant Solomon case, resulting in ethics complaint to Park Lawn Corp.

Pam Stephens NASTY

Anglican Watch has filed a complaint with Park Lawn Corporation, the current owner of Williamson Memorial Funeral Home and Cremation Services, located in Franklin, TN, over the conduct of previous funeral home owner Pam Stephens in the matter of Grant Solomon. We sent the complaint to corporate CFO Daniel Millett

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