Bishop Singh resigns, slithers back to his nest of vipers

Bishop Prince Singh

Bishop Singh, who not that long ago was requesting a Title IV investigation in the “sure and certain hope” that it would clear his name, has resigned. The announcement comes shortly after being suspended.

The news reflects a burgeoning shift for Episcopal bishops. Until now, they have known that Piskie-Bro Todd Ousley and the Presiding Bishop would make sure, worst case scenario, that they got a golden parachute. They also knew it would rarely come to that, as Ousley and Curry are masters at ignoring cases and making them go away.

So, the news is pretty rich for someone who has been noisily trumpeting his innocence.

We also note that several bishops in similar situations have Title IV cases stalled out in Barb Kempf’s office. These include:

  • Michael Curry himself, who has ignored misconduct by various priests and bishops, including George Sumner, Glenda Curry, Todd Ousley, Shannon Johnston, Alan Gates. Chilton Knudsen, Susan Golf, Alan Gates, and Bob Malm, and Prince Singh.
  • Todd Ousley.

George Sumner and Glenda Curry are particularly egregious. George has personally and indisputably engaged in sexual harassment, while Glenda has known of a child rapist for over two years and continues to avoid dealing with the issue.

Anglican Watch believes that any bishop who sandbags a Title IV complaint, ignores it, or dismisses on a pretextual basis needs to be disciplined. This includes bishops like Susan Goff, Alan Gates, and Shannon Johnston, who all ignore cases because they don’t feel like dealing with them.

So, we have a steak dinner and a bottle of Moet and Chandon Brut Imperial riding on the notion that Singh’s evaluation reveals that he is an alcoholic.

As for his sons, they lucked out big time on this one. But they still need to learn the difference between racism and discrimination based on ethnicity. And they must put aside the crunchy politics in favor of genuine anger over social injustice and racism. Anyone who insists that advocates be all churchy-nice isn’t in danger of missing the boat–they already have missed it. And for God’s sake, don’t lecture people about calling abusive bishops pigs, weasels, or dens of vipers. At some point, you’re too crunchy even for Jesus.

Meanwhile, Anglican Watch calls on bishops to amend the canons to make clear that any bishop who dismisses a Title IV complaint on a pretextual basis or ignores it is subject to discipline, up to and including being defrocked. And we call for an open window for all complaints filed with bishops that were dismissed on pretextual bases — like Shannon Johnston’s assertion that allegations of clergy perjury were not of “weighty and material importance to the ministry of the church.”

Many of us who have been in those situations will never return to the church, but it still needs to happen.

As for the Dioceses of Michigan, our thoughts and love go out to you. You really have been through the wringer with bufoons Houghland and Singh.

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