Anglican Watch

GCA head of counseling Amy Curle makes questionable claims in her online biography, teaches MTSU course

Amy Blaylock Curle unsafe around children

Recently, amidst snarky comments about Grace Christian Academy (GCA) head of counseling Amy Curle’s purported psychology degree from Capella University, Curle updated her online bio. But the added details in her bio raise troubling questions about Curle’s credentials.

In her bio, Curle claims to have worked several years as a clinical social worker.

An Anglican Watch investigation reveals, however, that Curle has never been licensed as a social worker in any of the three states in which she has lived — Florida, Tennessee, and Colorado. Indeed, she filed for a basic license in Tennessee but does not appear to have completed the process.

There are limited situations in which someone can work in such settings without a license, including when acting under the supervision of a licensed clinical social worker. But these are limited indeed, and we suspect Curle has padded her resume.

Anglican Watch’s investigation also reveals that Curle teaches an introductory psychology course for Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) on the GCA campus for dual-track students. 

In light of Curle’s failure to report allegations of child abuse and child sexual abuse as required by Tennessee law, Anglican Watch believes Curle should not be teaching in any state-recognized capacity whatsoever. Her failure to obey the law is an egregious breach of professional ethics, and we encourage readers to contact [email protected] to object to Curle teaching any subjects at state-funded schools.

Anglican Watch continues its investigation of Curle and others involved in the death of Grant Solomon and the sexual abuse of his sister, Gracie.

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