Anglican Watch

Anglican Watch calls for investigation into abuse allegations at Covenant Nashville

Anglican Watch

Anglican Watch has been working for some time on the Austin Davis story, in which it is alleged that Covenant Presbyterian turned a blind eye to a pedophile in the church. When Davis blew the whistle, the church responded by falsely claiming he was a threat. Ugly litigation ensued, and while the church was largely victorious due to Davis’ status as a pro se litigant, we find his allegations credible and disturbing. We also have spoken directly with Davis, and believe it highly unlikely that he or anyone in his family is a threat.

We reiterate: Anglican Watch condemns violence in all forms, including sexual, emotional, relational and, of course, gun violence.

We also recognize that there is a strong correlation between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and active shooter behavior. We also believe that the shooter, Audrey Hale, may have been a student at the school at the time the alleged pedophile was active at the church and the ensuing coverup.

Of additional concern is that many members of the church allegedly were officers in the Nashville police department at the time when the alleged pedophile was active at the church. Davis alleges that the officers colluded with church officials to silence him and to retaliate for his complaints.

Anglican Watch therefore calls for an immediate and full investigation into these allegations, including those involving biased policing.

We have contacted the Nashville police department for additional information, including whether they are investigating a potential connection between abuse at the church and the department’s alleged abuse of power. The department has not responded to those requests.

We note there have been longstanding allegations of a toxic culture within the police department: This includes a famous incident in which then police captain Jason Reinbold was captured on video cursing out small children and their nanny for being on public property near Reinbold’s home.

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