Anglican Watch

Episcopal priest Jason Myers arrested, charged with online solicitation of a minor

Episcopal priest Jason Myers, alleged pedophile

Episcopal priest Jason Phillip Myers, associate rector of Trinity Episcopal in Fort Worth, TX, was arrested by Collin County Sheriff’s Department on April 11, 2024 on felony charges of online solicitation of a minor.

The Rev. Robert F. Pace, Trinity’s rector, learned of the arrest the following day, when he received a phone call from the sheriff’s department about the matter. Pace notified the parish the following day.

The Rt. Rev. Andy Doyle, bishop of Ft. Worth, has stated that Myers has been suspended from ministry pursuant to Title IV, the Episcopal clergy disciplinary canons. He has been directed not to have contact with any member of the Trinity congregation.

Pace said he does not have. reason to believe that anyone in the congregation or its preschool has been harmed, but noted “there is much that we do not know or understand, and we have many questions that cannot yet be answered.”

Myers’ arrest was part of a local investigation into online child abuse, “Operation Home Alone 2024,” in which 15 men were arrested for soliciting minors. Five of the men were charged with soliciting prostitution from a minor.

A review of online records suggests that Myers has been released from prison, but we have been unable to locate criminal charges against him. Local officials say that a forensics analysis of communications devices belonging to the 15 men is underway and may result in additional criminal charges.

Myers is the author of Maker of Heaven &, a book of poetry published in 2023.

Anyone with information about this matter is encouraged to notify law enforcement and the diocesan intake officer the Rev. Canon Lisa Burns at 512-609-1876 or [email protected].

Anglican Watch commends the Diocese of Ft. Worth for acting promptly, while noting the double standard of Episcopal clergy discipline.

Specifically, if the allegations involve sex, church officials usually act swiftly; other criminal activity is ignored. Indeed, the Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen, who heads up the Title IV Disciplinary Committee for bishops, has said in writing that allegations of perjury, a felony, by the Rev. Bob Malm, would not constitute a violation under church canons.

In closing, Anglican Watch reminds clergy that we will name and shame clergy and others who engage in abuse of any sort, regardless of whether the conduct in question involves misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance.


  1. “A review of online records suggests that Pace has been released from prison, but we have been unable to locate criminal charges against him.”

    Myers. You mean Myers. Not Pace.

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