Profoundly disappointing behavior at St. Paul’s Episcopal church, Montvale NJ

St Paul’s Episcopal Montvale

The late Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris, an African-American named first female bishop in the Anglican Communion, was a powerful voice for equality, compassion, and respecting the dignity of every human being. A shrewd observer of human nature, she responded to outrage over her ordination by saying, “Nobody can hate like Christians.”

And while we have lost Harris’ prophetic voice, her words continue to ring true in the midst of the ongoing uproar at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Montvale NJ, where a group of parishioners and former parishioners have been trying to undercut the current priest in charge, the Rev. Jill Williams. The behavior of these parishioners includes picketing the church, disrupting services, and making hate-filled comments about Williams’ sexual orientation; she is married to a same-sex spouse.

Before we go further, we need to recognize the reality, which is that having a full-time rector is fast becoming a thing of the past. Facing declining membership, dismal numbers of baptisms, confirmations and weddings, any church that has a full-time rector is fortunate. And doubly so when their rector is as articulate, enthusiastic, and compassionate as Williams. Nor does any church or community benefit from acquiring a reputation as a toxic place to live, work, or worship.

So What Gives?

Conflict is, by nature, a difficult thing to parse. But per documents obtained from the Montvale police department, it is clear that parishioners believe that Williams has ruffled feathers by:

  • Closing the church nursery school. But enrollment last year had declined to just three students, and the school simply wasn’t viable. Moreover, no rector acting within Episcopal polity has the ability to unilaterally make a decision of that sort. Nor do we see evidence that Williams made this decision unilaterally.
  • Forbidding people from sledding on church property. Again, this was not a unilateral decision, and was driven by insurance issues.
  • Asking for access to financial records, governance records, and more. These are not only appropriate requests, but they are required by canon. Specifically, clergy who fail to adequately safeguard church or community assets may be held accountable under the Title IV disciplinary canons, up to and including being defrocked.
  • Asking, with vestry support, that those who cannot behave appropriately in church not enter the property.

In short, Anglican Watch sees no sign of pastoral misconduct, and we would be the first the sound the alarm were there signs of a priest gone rogue. (In fact, one person has said we seem to do so with “lip-smacking glee.” No comment.)

But Isn’t Conflict Normal?

Some may ask, “But isn’t conflict normal?”

The answer is of course it’s normal. Handled in a healthy way, conflict can by transformative, build stronger relationships, foster healthier churches, and more. And change invariably engenders conflict — or as one smart-aleck on Episcopal Cafe put it: “Of course I want the Kingdom of God on Earth. It’s just that I want it without any change.”

But conflict is profoundly damaging when handled in the way that parishioners are handling it:

  • It is destructive within St. Paul’s,
  • It erodes the souls of those who engage in it. As former senator Alan Simpson said at the funeral of George H.W. Bush, “hate corrodes the container it is carried in.”
  • It damages the community. As Americans, we have already faced so many challenges, and we face so many right now, that we need each other more than ever. Far more unites us than divides us.
  • It is the very sort of thing that causes young people to look at the church and say, “not for me.”
Protests outside St. Paul’s


And before we go further, let’s be clear: Several of us here at Anglican Watch are the first to picket a church where the rector is abusive, commits perjury, or otherwise engages in misconduct. We have no objection when warranted, and we recognize the importance of calling out bullies. But that is not what is going on here.

To Be Episcopal

As readers know, Anglican Watch spends a lot of time calling out priests, bishops, and others in the church who misuse their authority. And to be clear, there are serious issues in the Episcopal Church. So much so that, absent reformation, we believe the denomination will cease to exist as we know it within the next 20 years.

But when the Episcopal Church works right — and we would be the first to admit it rarely does — it creates a unique faith experience where:

  • People are welcomed wherever they are in their faith journey.
  • Race, sexual orientation, gender, ancestry, national origin or other irrelevant factors are just that — irrelevant.
  • The canons and Episcopacy provide guardrails on conduct, while welcoming a variety of worship styles, personal beliefs, and more, so long as they remain within Episcopal norms.

In short, at its best, the Episcopal Church is as Jesus would have wanted it—welcoming, tolerant, affirming, and loving.

The church structure is an important part of that paradigm:

  • A priest acts as a missional partner with her or his vestry to ensure that church finances, business practices, and the spiritual needs of the parish are met.
  • The bishop and diocesan staff provide pastoral care to clergy, ensure compliance with church canons, and help parishes work in collaboration with each other, and to engage with the larger world.
  • General convention sets standards. One standard that it has set is the express canonical requirement that all persons are welcome in the church, in all roles, irrespective of sexual orientation.

Our Take on Things

Having read the voluminous police records in this case, St. Paul’s seems to be a parish with unresolved conflict. As the Rev. Canon Robin Hammeal-Urban notes in her excellent book, unresolved conflict often lingers beneath the surface, bursting into the open years, sometimes decades, later. Often, this takes the form of inappropriate responses to conflict—which is clearly the case with ugly references to Williams’ sexual orientation and appearance.

We want to be very clear: The conduct of some former parishioners is not acceptable in any context. It is bullying. It is hatred. It is ugly. It has nothing to do with Christianity. It is not acceptable in the Episcopal Church. And it is every bit as ugly as the spiritual, emotional, sexual, and other abuse we report on at Anglican Watch.

It may also be that the diocese dropped the ball during the interim period. Per the Alban Institute’s study on the subject, interim periods are not just a time to “keep the seat warm.” Instead, the interim period is, or should be, a time to:

  • Recognize that there is a season to all pastoral relationships.
  • Appropriately say goodbye to former leaders.
  • To understand and make peace with the past.
  • To disclose, explore, and heal past conflicts.
  • To ensure alignment with denominational norms.
  • To plan, explore, and look at the future with joy and enthusiasm.

Anglican Watch deliberately has not explored the interim period at St. Paul’s. But we strongly suspect that the diocese took an approach that is all too common — find some old retired priest, often without formal interim training, who comes through, handing out hugs and smiles, and doesn’t do jack diddly. And St. Albans’ research reveals that this approach almost invariably sets a rector and parish up for failure.

Moreover, a successful interim period is particularly important when a prior rector has, as here, stayed for an extended period. (Some believe no priest should stay at any one calling for more than about seven years. While the evidence is primarily anecdotal, that seems to be about right. Longer than that and enthusiasm almost invariably wanes.)

The Role of the Bishop

Fortunately, it looks like the bishop is being supportive. The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center is an excellent resource and can help those who wish to find healing have the conversations needed to make that happen. It also can help those who don’t want reconciliation (sometimes the healthiest approach), make peace with the past and move on with health, dignity, and grace.  Just like in marriage, sometimes people simply grow in different directions, and there is nothing wrong with recognizing and honoring that.

Of course, mediators often find that people want them to take sides. But good mediators focus on understanding the issues, recognizing the needs of the parties, exploring what is realistic and healthy, and then helping people find health and wholeness. That may include helping establish boundaries, such as what sorts of behavior are appropriate at worship, or how to raise concerns in a healthy manner.

Our Hope for the Future

Our hope at Anglican Watch is that members of St. Paul’s take a deep breath, avoid ad hominem attacks against Pastor Williams and her wife, and act in a way the incentivizes people to explore the Christian faith. Hate never helps, and any loving priest/vestry has an obligation to protect their church from hate, whether that is based on sexual orientation, dislike of change, race, ethnicity, or any other reason. And hate feeds into the feelings of young people, many of whom turn away from organized religion due to perceptions of hypocrisy and hatred. (If the issue really is about Pastor Williams’ sexual orientation, consider that 74 percent of millennials support same-sex marriage. If folks are going to town on that issue, they are on the wrong side of history. And it is a major reason young people turn away from church, even among evangelicals.)

All involved will benefit with having candid conversations in a safe environment. The diocese can help by sharing in a non-threatening way what it means to be Episcopal, and what expectations the larger church sets for clergy, vestries, and parishes. And while some may find their way to new churches, or perhaps to no church, our hope is that they can do so with a sense of love, peace, and joy.

We plan to publish updates on this situation, and look forward to positive news from this church. Meanwhile, we ask parishioners — current and former — as well as friends and allies — to treat all persons with respect, and for local community leaders to focus on building a welcoming environment for all persons.

Below are the letters from the diocese, the church’s vestry, and Pastor Williams.



  1. I have another quote from Bishop Harris. Upon hearing my story of bad treatment visited upon me by parishioners, she said, “They’re just trying to hurt you, John.” The fact is, parishioners do try to hurt their priests and often times, they know just where your vulnerabilities are. Bishop Harris enabled me to realize that I needed to do my ministry, allow for parishioner’s anger and try to move forward in grace without striking back. It seems to me that Jill, parish leadership and the bishop are really gracious in their responses to amazing expressions of anger. And the parish seems to be moving forward in spite of bitter resistance. The hatred is ugly, but the ministry is moving forward! Good for you Jill et al!

  2. Good narration and documentation! Picketing a church is just so … Phelps. You’d think that kind of tactic as a way of influential congregational life would have been tarnished by the Westboro people. Are they still around?

  3. In response to the above article…It does not address why the Priest in charge turned myself and my family away from church in December. We didn’t threaten or harass anyone. We were long time members who had not attended church for a period of time (If you recall, we were in a pandemic for the last 2 years) and we were turned away at the door. She had never met us or had any interaction with us at all.

    She paints a picture of hatred when in reality, St Pauls has always been inclusive. Everyone was welcome there. That was one of the wonderful aspects of it. Now, the Priest in charge seems to be hand picking her parish and if she doesn’t choose you, you are told that you’re not allowed on church property. “All” are not welcome at St Paul’s. In fact, when we were turned away, so where a group of high school students who had come to support one of my daughters friends….Perhaps they aren’t looking for new members after all. It’s all very sad.

    Personally, I believe that you should have both sides of the story before drawing conclusions about what has been happening at St Paul’s in Montvale.

    1. Having seen several of the hateful, homophobic comments contained in the police reports, there is a basic issue at play: Homophobia, hatred, threats and more have no role in the church, regardless of the alleged reason. None.

      In other words, the behavior speaks for itself. In fact, in our discussion with Pastor Jill, she has been remarkably generous in her assessments of parishioner conduct. Thus, she paints no picture of hatred; homophobia is hatred, pure and simple.

      Relatedly, no priest has the authority under church canons to hand pick their parish; priests have very little authority in these matters, and any decisions about access to the property are ones that must be made in consultation with the vestry and the bishop, and the bishop’s letters and the vestry’s letters speak to that issue.

      That said, if you believe that you should be part of the parish, and that’s something you want, we encourage you to engage in a positive way with the Lombardy Mennonite Peace Center initiative, assume good intent, and focus on positive paths forward. It also helps to focus on “I” statements, versus “you” statements, to listen respectfully, and to recognize that all are made in the image of God. Not always easy to do, for sure, but better than living with anger and hatred.

      Please keep us posted as you move forward. However things turn out, we hope that all involved emerge from this with greater health and wholeness.

      1. But yet still you have not spoken to the other side and you are sticking to only a one sided view of this situation. You say the priest has no ability to hand pick the vestry but for sure that is what happened with Jill specifically kicking people off the vestry one by one. You would enlighten yourself by opening your mind and having a conversation with someone from the other side of this story instead of just saying you read reports and have made your decision. Is everything written down and on the internet true these days?!

        1. Staff has now spoken with several individuals, and a parishioner has provided us with a large quantity of emails and other documents from your side of the dispute. Additionally, we have obtained police and other government records via the state’s Open Records Access law.

          Thus, you incorrectly assume that the Internet is a source of our information. That said, you are correct—-the Internet is full of misinformation these days, and the Pascack Press story is a prime example of biased reporting.

          Finally, we keep coming back to the same point—there is no excuse for the conduct of parishioners.

          Under no set of circumstances is it acceptable. It is un-Christian. It is abusive. And it is a good reason for folks to avoid Montvale—no one wants to raise children in an environment where people are going around engaging in ad hominem attacks claiming that an Episcopal priest worships Satan, or abuses children. Those claims are disgusting and reflect badly on the speaker and your group, not Pastor Jill.

          By the way, we will be publishing additional emails and some police records over the coming days. Stay tuned.

  4. What a great honest article. Thank you. Many of the protesters just don’t understand what they — yes, they did…. I guess posting lies on Facebook is okay in their eyes. Wake up people, life is about talking and listening and hearing.

    1. Thanks Lindsay. We wholeheartedly support efforts towards health and wholeness in the parish. You’re welcome to share your thoughts/comments any time on Anglican Watch—-we are hoping to hear positive news from the church in the coming days!

  5. This is an extremely accurate assessment of what has happened at St. Paul’s. Those of us remaining at the church, led by our hard working and spiritually inspiring priest, continue to try to build a community that is fully engaged in following the Gospel path. Our aim is to feed the hungry, help the less fortunate and have fun together as we do so. Something is working as the parish continues to grow.

    1. Thanks Ann. We found Pastor Jill to be absolutely delightful and a real treasure. Any church is lucky to have her. Many blessings on your path forward.

  6. I am a former parishioner who moved away. During Covid I reconnected with services and friends via zoom services. After attending several sermons I just stopped going. Pastor Jill’s sermons were not about life and Gods hope but about her — and her personal opinions about other people and our Anglican community. Instead of unity she was divisive and deeply political. She left open questions instead of showing us all how God works. I attempted to communicate my disappointment and feeling of divisiveness because I really missed my community. I was essentially told via email to shut up and that my comments don’t matter and I really had never met her In person. I would be happy to share both our emails. I don’t have a side as this supposedly unbiased article does. What I have is an experience. And I for one completely left the Anglican community because it’s just not consistent with what I know of Gods love. It was Pastor Jills lack of acceptance and outright hostility to differences that drove me away. Our church was a great family That. had our share of differences that we overcame. It only happened because there was an acceptance of differences. Pastor Jill is a true believer of a single ideology and she uses the church pulpit to beat it over our heads. Not the way if Jesus. So sorry to lose family. But I can’t stay if the leader is abusive when she disagrees.

    1. You of course are welcome to post material that you feel supports your position. That said, as a relatively new priest, Pastor Jill, you, and the church would probably be best served by engaging in the Lombardy Mennonite Peace Center initiative. Absent true abuse — and we have heard nothing even remotely suggesting abuse — leaving a church is rarely the best solution.

      We would also note that the hate-filed, homophobic comments contained in myriad places within the police reports suggest the parish has a fair share of differences it has not overcome. Again, we repeat our earlier statement: There is no excuse in any church — or any community, for that matter — for that sort of hatred. None.

  7. Can you explain what the behavior was that caused long time parishioners to be banned from the church? Just how egregious was the behavior that would get a 75 year member of the church banned.? Also, please explain why long term members are not allowed to visit their deceased loved ones in the memorial garden?

    1. We are a publication, not an investigative agency. Thus, we will not engage in triangulation, as yours are questions appropriately addressed through the Lombardy Peace process. That said, we are prepared to bet that one of the things parishioners will discover is a long history of unresolved conflict and unhealthy patterns of responding to conflict within the church.

        1. Victoria, you are playing games. We have offered parishioners the opportunity to post the emails that they believe support their position, and encouraged all to participate in the healing process. Seems like we are quickly identifying one part of the problem facing the parish—manipulative behavior. And yours is a prime example. The appropriate place for your concerns is through the Lombardy Mennonite Peace Center process.

          Yet again: Nothing justifies the hate-filed homophobia coming from former parishioners. And if that makes us biased, so be it.

          1. How am I playing games and being manipulative by asking questions? I did attend the Peace Center training last week along with nearly 60 former parishioners and I await the next steps. I am truly sorry about the homophobic comments made be some people of the public but they did not come from the group of former parishioners currently at odds with the church.

            1. Again, we are a publication, not an investigatory agency, as you well know. If you want answers to the specifics of your situation, you need to go directly through the church. We are not going to play the triangulation game with you.

  8. Honestly she’s right, no one can hate like Christians can. There’s a reason so many of us younger people left the church. Looking back at the split of the ACNA and realizing it was a bunch of boomers arguing about gay marriage. The hutch is full of the most hateful people

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