Corrupt Bishop Alan Gates gives #churchtoo perpetrator Douglas Anderson a golden parachute

Alan Gates

Ever wonder why the Title IV case against Church of the Advent rector Douglas Anderson is moving so slowly? Anglican Watch believes we know the answer, and it’s not pretty.

In a nutshell, Church of the Advent members are being played by Anderson and Alan Gates.

Big time.


  • Anderson was ordained to the diaconate on June 10, 1994, in the Diocese of Fond du Lac.
  • Vesting a full retirement in the Episcopal Church requires 30 years of eligible service.
  • Thus, Anderson vests a full retirement in 2024.
George Anderson ordination dates

And guess who pays the price? The women and men of the Church of the Advent wind up paying for Anderson, even as they go for two years without a rector.

Nor is bishop Alan Gates blameless. He understands the system, and there’s no way he wouldn’t spot this issue. 

Meanwhile, the laity gets to keep their mouths shut, pay their pledges, and allow Anderson to play them. Even as he allegedly hangs out in Canada.

We’ve also heard that Anderson’s wife Traci has left him. We can’t imagine why.

That begs the question: Why is Anderson being rewarded for having sexually harassed multiple adult women? And lying to a church tribunal?

Alan Gates, it’s time to end the corruption.

Anderson should be out on his ear, and we don’t care about his damned pension. In fact, given his mistreatment of women, we’d prefer he not get his pension. He can work like the rest of us.

It’s also time to stop treating the laity like stupid, second-class citizens who get to pay the bills, while dirtbags like Anderson get special privileges. We’re tired of a Title IV system that rewards miscreants on the backs of people in the pews.


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