Anglican Watch

Episcopal priest Daniel McClain suspended

Daniel McClain

It’s official. Episcopal priest Daniel McClain, the rector-elect of St. Paul’s Dayton, has been suspended as part of the Title IV clergy disciplinary case against him. The complaint was filed by Anglican Watch following an extended investigation, which we started soon after the conclusion of a previous Title IV case. The prior case was filed by McClain’s wife, who had no role in the Anglican Watch investigation,

Additional information on the McClain divorce litigation can be found here. The case number is 2022 DR 00353.

Note that Dan has gotten body-slammed by the court for various misconduct, including canceling home and auto insurance in violation of the court’s protective order.

The diocese’s original letter about McClain’s case going to a hearing panel can be found here.

The bishop’s letter announcing McClain’s suspension is here.

And, for those who haven’t already seen it, the investigatory report and diocesan Title IV charging document is below. Among other things, McClain’s ongoing financial issues leave us deeply concerned about the possibility of impairment and/or use of prostitutes. And the fact that McClain sees nothing wrong with having a romantic relationship while still married is profoundly troubling, especially in light of his efforts to introduce his new romantic interest to his minor children. This lack of regard for the children’s spiritual, emotional, and mental health — not to mention their financial well-beings — is appalling and abusive.

One comment

  1. This is a huge accomplishment for Anglican Watch in their fight for victims of abuse! My prayers are with the family. May justice and restoration prevail.

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