In the wake of Tenth Presbyterian’s (PCA) ongoing abuse, cover-up, corruption, spiritual abuse, and illegal conduct, including perjury, the church is lurching toward collapse. Per public financial statements, the Philadelphia-based church has projected annual revenue of a little over $3.8 million. As of March 20, just 12 weeks into the
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Time for Tenth Presbyterian to close its doors
We’re reluctant to recommend that any church close. That’s the case, particularly when a specific church holds beliefs or comes from a faith tradition different from our own. That’s because it’s far too easy to conflate differences with corruption. That said, there comes a time when all we can do
Continue readingTenth’s Session models the very definition of contumacy, as it appoints nimrod Paul Duggan a commissioner in the Goligher debacle
We continue to look with dismay at the foot-dragging, cover-up, and spiritual abuse that is coming to the fore in the matter of Tenth Presbyterian, Liam Goligher, and Susan Elzey. In that vein, there is no better example of the toxic morass that Tenth Presbyterian has become than the appointment
Continue readingTenth Presbyterian drags its feet as it tries to avoid filing clergy disciplinary charges against Liam Goligher
In the wake of the debacle involving Liam Goligher and Susan Elzey, it’s becoming increasingly clear that neither Tenth Presbyterian, the Tenth Session, nor the Philadelphia Presbytery have the spine to deal with corruption and abuse. Indeed, all involved appear to be dragging their feet, versus doing the honorable thing,
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