Anglican Watch

Time to ask Barb Kempf some tough questions, and other steps for improving clergy discipline in the Episcopal Church

No clergy bullies

Today’s post is about Title IV, the Episcopal clergy disciplinary canons. Specifically, what reasonable steps can we take to improve Title IV? For starters, let’s look at how Title IV functions today. Our take—far from unbiased—is that the best-managed cases rise to mediocrity. Those cases are few and far between,

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Murder of Catholic bishop illustrates problems with TEC episcopacy

Murdered Catholic Bishop

As our Roman sisters and brothers mourn the senseless murder of Los Angeles auxiliary bishop David O’Connell, his legacy illustrates the TEC episcopacy’s profound challenges. A priest for 45 years, O’Connell was known as a peacemaker who worked to reduce tensions between area residents and law enforcement, particularly following the beating death of Rodney

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