Anglican Watch

Amy Blaylock Curle admits to criminal conduct, husband threatens reporters

Amy Curle

Sources in the courtroom report that Grace Christian Academy (GCA) guidance counselor Amy Blaylock Curle’s husband Wayne threatened a reporter at a recent hearing in Franklin Tennessee.

Moreover, Anglican Watch has confirmed that Curle admitted under oath that she engaged in criminal conduct by failing to report allegations of child sexual abuse involving Gracie Solomon, even after being directed to do so by a judge.

The behavior raises several questions: Parents, do you want to send your children to a school so corrupt that the head of guidance doesn’t see an issue with ignoring allegations of child sexual abuse? Or where Curle thinks she can ignore the orders of a judge, even as she works to cover up child sexual abuse?

And what does her husband Wayne’s conduct tell us about corruption at GCA and Franklin Tennessee? Keep in mind, too, that allegations about abuse have swirled around Brentwood Academy for years, also located in the area,

Moreover, the so-called safe house, run by a pedophile, at Covenant Presbyterian, and the church’s efforts to shut down whistleblower Austin Davis with its lies about how he’s violent, reveal that the corruption is rife in Christian congregations in the area.

Indeed, we have contacted Covenant directly to ask that it repent of its treatment of Austin Davis, and we got no answer. That means Covenant, like GCA and Brentwood Academy, is corrupt and uninterested in acting with integrity.

So, parents beware. Sending your children to any of these schools places them at risk of sexual, relational, and spiritual abuse. If you value integrity, don’t support these cesspools of corruption until they come clean.

As for Curle, any purported Christian who can’t even act to protect a child in danger is no Christian. And her husband Wayne is even less of a Christian. Their behavior also makes us ask: What message does it send to children when the school covers up allegations of child sex abuse?

Anglican Watch further reminds parents that the citizens’ criminal complaint about Curle and corruption at GCA has yet to be addressed.

So, we’re going to borrow a line from Curle: “We want you to know what’s in our heart.” And what’s in our heart is that it’s time to boycott GCA until Curle resigns.

As for Robbie Rogers, the asshole pastor of Grace Chapel who urged parishioners to say the Imprecatory Psalms against Gracie Solomon, then 14 and having just lost her brother, that is about as low and un-Christian as it gets.

Time to shut down the financial gravy train for Grace Chapel, give Robbie Rogers the heave-ho, and send crooked Amy Blaylock Curle packing.

It’s time we join together in demanding the safety of Franklin area children.

By the way, look for an upcoming story about sexual misconduct involving an area judge, three-ways, and children. Ain’t life grand in Williamson County?


  1. Rob Rogers encouraged imprecatory prayers? Or did you mean Steve Berger who was pastor at that time and friends with Aaron Solomon? Rob Rogers is new on the scene at Grace Chapel and may not be involved. More information on Rob Rogers is still needed. Rob Rogers has been through a church split and many accusations taking on the role of new pastor in the wake of Berger’s corrupt exit. Investigate Rob Rogers please. Exact truth is vital. Please differentiate correctly between these pastors. Please get facts straight as I am sharing all of this critical information you uncover. Let the truth be told! Thank you for exposing this corruption.

    1. Hi Lisa. Obviously we weren’t there, but both Angie and Gracie have stated that Rob did so, apparently in retaliation for Gracie’s video. We also repeatedly contacted Rob to ask him about it, but got no response.

      We like and trust Angie and Gracie, and we’re siding with them on this one.

      Thank you for your comment

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